Better late than never, it's time to enter the shady world of Quillsh Wammy - sharp-shooter, collector of orphans, entrepreneur, inventor, master of espionage, international crime-fighter and, of course, handler for L. Great man? Or the dodgiest villain to stalk the pages of Death Note, Kira notwithstanding? Can't wait to see where you leap with this one. In an altered time-frame from advertised, Month of Watari will run from today until May 5th 2016. It may cover more than the man himself - Mr Wammy; Quillsh to his friends; Watari to others - insofar as anything connected to or with him is also acceptable for publication during this event. This means you may dig out your exposes of the Wammy House or contemplate its founder from Beyond Birthday's point of view - or any other of his kids. Though please do keep it referring back to him if running with the latter. All Wammy alumni are bound to feature in a month of their own anyway. |
How to Submit Content for Month of Wammy on Death Note News
- General submission page - various mediums through which you may contact us or send in files;
- Cosplayer Questionnaire - for those feeling generous with their tips and advice;
- Fan-art Questionnaire - for Watari artists happy to share their craft;
- Fan-fiction Writers Questionnaire - for authors of Wammy fan-fiction kind enough to pass on their knowledge to those just starting.