Death Note Fan Artist Questionnaires for Month of... Event
__Have you stumbled across this by accident? Welcome! You have found questions for artists of Death Note fan-art intended for inclusion in the Month of... feature on Death Note News.
Whether you have or haven't drawn/sculpted the Death Note character highlighted for each month, please do feel free to complete our questionnaires. Your general artistic expertise will be useful regardless. In addition, we would be grateful if you'd invite other artists in your circle to participate too. All answers will be collated, then published live on Death Note News during each character's Month of... focus. Please do come back each month to answer the same queries about a different persona. As for the questionnaires already created below, they are identical - only the character names change. Pick and choose for which you would like to answer; or go wild and do them all, with our thanks! If you habitually draw any Death Note character, it would be fabulous to receive a sketch which includes a sign/banner/anything else relating to Death Note News or our Death Note Month of... feature! Thank you very much in advance. How this will look: