Death Note actress Aya Hirano will be at North Carolinian anime convention Animazement this May, organisers have announced. Also in attendance is Madhouse co-founder Masao Maruyama, who produced the Death Note anime. In 2012, after more than four decades with Madhouse, he branched out on his own again, forming a new company - MAPPA (Maruyama Animation Produce Project Association). He'll be there to talk about his experiences with both. It was recently revealed that Hirano - Misa-Misa's original voice actress in the anime - is moving to the United States for six months to as part of her studies. It looks like her work doesn't completely stop for that! Animazement runs from May 27-29th, in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Registration is currently open for attendees, panellists and exhibitors alike. More information on the event website. If anyone bumps into Aya Hirano and Masao Maruyama, or else hears them talk as special guests at the convention, then do please report back! Particularly if either of them mention anything Death Note related. |