Forum for MelloxMatt Fan-Fiction Authors
That's no big mystery. I've been enthused into finishing the story (well, nearly finishing - I'm about ten chapters from completion at the moment, but sssh, don't tell anyone) by the sudden influx of old MangaBullet people onto my website's forum.
What's blowing my mind is where they've all come from, why now and wow! Look how that one's quickly snowballing into a fast filling, highly active and buzzing Mello and Matt fandom community once more. I guess its time had come. My forum appears to be the place enough people checked out, until they eventually did it simultaneously and bam! We're back in business!
Popping up to post over the past few weeks (in no particular order and apologies if I missed anyone): Orangepunch, Spoiled-Kitten, kinofdragons, Mistress 9, Alexhliel/ShinigamiMailJeevas, Melmat, Miyamashi, Aaria, Matt1337Gamer, Kittypup and newcomer DefeatCigarettes. I heard from AnimePrincess earlier too, who indicated that she may well be about to return (and possibly resume her chapter by chapter discussion threads - for the new novel!!!).
So where are the rest of you? Coming to play? We're all waiting for you to get your backside in there, you know. Yes, YOU!
Nor is it all about me anymore.
In short, He Moves Me Differently forum is in the process of metamorphosing into a cyber meeting place for all Mello/Matt fans. That's what will keep it going long after you've all tired of my stuff.
Mistress 9: Rebuilding the Mello/Matt Fandom

Mello and Matt watch Mistress 9
What began in the serendipity of a few people turning up at the same time, became a spark of forum life carefully nurtured by that lady.
That has been swiftly fanned into a frenzy of daily posts, discussions, sharing lives, reading fan-fiction above and beyond my own - interest enough to keep the forum going without necessarily resting upon my stuff.
You can be certain that Mistress 9 was holding the bellows at the time.
She's practically living in my PM box with ideas, suggestions and a keen eye on what's needful for individual users and the whole forum alike. At her instigation, I've upgraded the place to make it more user-friendly; fixed a load of bugs; begun to catch up on the out-standing website content; and added more forums etc. She's like a Union secretary for anyone with account issues too. Letting me know if anyone's stuck in the wrong user group, locked out or whatever else might get in the way of them enjoying the forum, so I can make all problems go away.
It was Mistress 9's idea to bring in other MxM fan-fiction writers AND to add an area facilitating fan-fiction of my fan-fiction - as in Mello and Matt stories within my own universe, but written by other MxM authors.
Now THAT was bloody exciting. Being the author, I've never read original Matti!universe tales before! I cried at the first one posted; the honour and delight was that raw. I don't think I'll ever be able to take those tales in my stride. They'll never be less than novelty, received with the kind of coy gratitude which has Orangepunch - witnessing it in real life - going 'awwww!' and telling the forum how cute I became upon receipt of the reading.
Matti!Universe Mello and Matt Fan-FictionSo yes, that's my final bit of news for those who enjoy the It Matters series of Mello and Matt fan-fiction. You've now got a whole new avenue opened up in stories to read. The powerful play goes on, as Uncle Walt so famously wrote, and you may contribute a verse. |