The staff and readership of Death Note News turn our collective attention onto an individual subject, Death Note related, changing our focus with the calendar.
It could be a character, a thing, an item, an aspect or pretty much anything which could be ninja-ed into the Death Note oeuvre.
It could be a character, a thing, an item, an aspect or pretty much anything which could be ninja-ed into the Death Note oeuvre.
Month's Feature: All contributions welcomed; appropriate ones published.
They may cover anything from opinion pieces; essays; reviews; bigging up your website, group or event; art and crafts; fan-fiction; reviews; cosplay; quizzes; analyses; tutorials; letters; questions/debates; or anything else which the muse directs. |
Can I Contribute?
Yes. Scroll down to find out how to submit. What Sort of Stuff? Whatever on-topic thing you're inspired to create, highlight, analyse, big up, or otherwise share. What If it's Not Very Good? Contribute it anyway. What if People Laugh? We can have them killed. We have a replica Death Note here and no end of hysterical parents/other authorities seem convinced such things work in reality. We've been itching to try it out. |
Forthcoming Features
Not inspired by this month's topics? Or so inspired that you want to begin work right now in preparation for future Death Note Month of... events?
Here's what's coming up:
Or maybe you want to suggest someone or something Death Note related for a future Month of focus? Just let us know and we'll see where we can slot them in.
No need to wait on submitting content. We can hold onto things, until the appropriate time to publish them - that your work may be featured as part of its applicable Month of... Death Note News event. |