I'd like to say that we are fighting fit and raring to go here at Death Note News. But the truth is that most of us are dying of various strands of flu. Hence the slow start to the season in New Year 2016 news about Death Note. Nevertheless, the stories, columns and articles are stacking up behind the scenes and it's about time that us editorial types crawled out of our beds to post them. Matti here, on the case. *cough*
So what's happening on Death Note News for 2016? In addition to the usual columns, features, editorials and up to the moment news about the franchise and its fandom as it occurs, we do have plans for new stuff, which all hope that you'll find rather exciting.
On This Day in Death Note
It is all coming soon. It would have been here already, but production on the calendar collapsed under the aforementioned plague epidemic assaulting our editorial staff.
Fact and fiction alike are included. We are scouring canon, plot-lines, reference guides and biographies to create something as comprehensive as possible, spanning all media in which this story has been told. That's important dates within Death Note as a tale, and also those pertaining to its creators, actors, producers etc. A resource for you all.
Death Note Month of...
This is in addition to the general articles, which our team will be writing as normal in and around all the focused rest.
We're planning to begin in February with Light Yagami. Therefore if you have anything to say, investigate, report, write, draw, link or otherwise contribute on the subject, please do start putting it together now. Contact us for discussions in advance if needful and/or details on how to submit.
And yes, your stuff is good enough. As Walt Whitman so eloquently put it, 'the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse'.
Other Things for 2016 Death Note News
However, there are some hangovers from last year which need completing. Notably the last in the Sachiko Yagami articles, plus our analysis of the final episodes of Death Note 2015 TV drama. Both of which were woefully edged out by festivities, or else accidentally overlooked for the back end of the previous year. They will be put in place.
We also need to bring you up to date with The Cosplayer Chronicles - details of which have been sent, just not published. Squad Six Cosplayers HAVE completed their Death Note panel and it was - by all reports - quite wonderful. As for the other columnists, there's more from Nathaniel's philosophical overview of Death Note to post, plus another article from Tarot Mikami taking a more esoterical perspective in Death Note Tarot Tales.
Expect more too from Lucas King, as well as on-going Focus on a Fan community features.
If you'd like to participate in the latter, or indeed if you have an idea for a column which you would like to write/see written, then please do run it past us. This could be your year for fame and glory in the franchise or at least, the fandom.
Moreover, we've made a long list of people to contact in order to expand another neglected part of the website - our Death Note Interviews. Keep you posted, should anything more come of that.
2016 promises to be a big year for Death Note. The fandom has already swelled with its Musical and TV adaptations bringing our story to ever wider crowds, then two live action movies are going to see those numbers explode. Are you ready for it?