Hopefully, a fair number of you are finding us for the first time because I've been running rampant through the world wide web. You'll have followed me home from whichever corner of the net I just breezed through.
For the all the rest, a little clarification is in order.
Because I'm a lazy git.
I'm much better at researching and writing these blogs than I am promoting them. I just trust that the universe is sending people to read all that I'm finding to amuse, delight and inform. I'm a bit hippy like that at heart.
But not if I want to submit Death Note News to places curating news about Death Note. Then I have to have accounts, readers, figures, verification and stuff. It was time to tidy up and sign up.
Find Death Note News Online
Not only do I now have a Pinterest account, but Death Note News is verified on it.
Once I actually get moving, I don't hang about! I'm in the process of setting up a series of community based boards. You have an open invitation to come and join me there, then help me fill up the Death Note Pinterest boards. Populate it with stuff not only from here, but all the web. |
My sparkling new Google Plus profile is only the most visible hint at the hoops I've leapt through today. Behind the scenes, there's also a bespoke email address for Death Note News, plus a whole webmaster account. We've had our site map submitted, which means that Google owns our soul. Or, at least, will vaguely consider us for its search engine. |
Perhaps the most useful new resource of all is over on Rebelmouse. I certainly thought so. I've added its widget to the Death Note News Summary page, for those who like pictures instead of RSS lists of words. Here is where I've brought everything together - this website, all the social networking, Twitter hashtags, related products and all the rest. While Death Note News undoubtedly remains the central hub, Rebelmouse is more immediate. You'll see what's just been updated, and where, in real time. |
Twitter has been going since the beginning. That's where the majority of you probably found me in the past. However, it has just had a facelift too. Usual header, brighter colours, our site's URL added to the profile. MB avatar kept for auld lang syne. |
Better Death Note News Contact Information

But the actual contact page on Death Note News has long been woefully inadequate.
Plain might be a better word. Functional for getting an email to me, and that's about it. I went a little wild there.
I defy anyone not to be able to contact me now. Whether I actually have time to do anything with the communication is a different matter, but it should reach me. Pick your place and send! Twitter recommended, or a comment left on a blog entry here.
Game Over?
But please do come and find me on all the new pretties. It will be pretty lonely without anyone to do the social bit with me. Cheers!