Known for her bad-ass role as Kira Yukimura in TV drama Teen Wolf, Arden Cho was scathing about Death Note casting overlooking Asian actors in the USA. She initially Tweeted:
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
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Twitter has been in uproar, cheering on and retweeting US actress Arden Cho's comments about the US live-action Death Note movie, and its strangely Caucasian casting choices thus far. Known for her bad-ass role as Kira Yukimura in TV drama Teen Wolf, Arden Cho was scathing about Death Note casting overlooking Asian actors in the USA. She initially Tweeted: Then, in response to Lauren, a commenter who wrote, 'MANY talented Asian actors/actresses to choose from and yet they whitewash the whole film!' Arden posted: Source: Twitter Nor had she finished there. Finally, Arden Cho had a greeting for Edward Zo (possibly tipped off by the furore on Twitter regarding her comments about whitewashing Death Note): Source: Twitter Asian-American actor Edward Zo had previously - and quite famously - been vocal on the subject of Death Note US live-action movie auditions excluding Asian actors. Silence means approval and neither Arden nor Edward are prepared to be silent on this issue. Nor are a whole lot of other people judging by the amount of retweets and replies each exposee and protest prompted.
What do you think?
2/12/2015 22:57:17
EVERY Death Note live-action show or movie out there now is Japanese, and cast exclusively by Asians.
3/12/2015 07:35:46
you're forgetting the story is japanese. you seem to expect something produced in japan to have the western world as its target. it is a japanese story, with japanese characters, written by japanese people mainly for other japanese people. why should its cast not be japanese? again, it is a japanese story.
4/4/2017 19:47:18
"I think it's good that we have some diversity for once..."
3/12/2015 21:36:19
I know where you're getting at, you want the story to stay as original as possible, but they aren't going to make an American remake that takes place in Japan, with Asians actors and spoken in Japanese, and I don't know why so many seem to hope or expect this.
4/12/2015 06:09:09
you don't seem to know where i'm getting at i the slightest. an american remake isn't expected to be the original work but it is expected to recreate it as faithfully as possible. telling a similar story with none of the key elements only makes for a cheap copy.
8/12/2015 01:44:19
People also seem to forget that an American remake can be set in America and be done with Asian actors- they forget that there are asians in America. Remakes such as this ignore the existence of asians in a whole. Leave a Reply. |
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