Death Note News has now done away with the default Weebly URL and acquired a bespoke one of our own.
Please don't worry about updating all of your bookmarks and links back to us - they'll all forward to where they need to be.
But the change should allow you to link to us further. There are some sites - yes, Reddit and StumbleUpon, we are looking at you amongst others - which weren't too keen on Weebly addresses. The very nature of a free site hosting means that some dodgy places appear. Then the rest of us get tarred with the same brush in the blanket bans.
Our shiny new URL: has no such unearned associates. We're acceptable everywhere!
And if you do big us up on your forum - wherever that might be - then you have our undying gratitude with all the less than threes you could ever want.
We will continue to be hosted by Weebly though, as it remains a lovely provider of hassle-free website design and hosting. Even if my being here is a source of utter hilarity to all who know that I'm more than capable of coding my own websites from scratch. Nobody said I wasn't lazy, and the team here have proven themselves to be deserved of my loyalty.
Finally a MASSIVE thank you to Orangepunch, who caught me checking my savings towards acquiring this domain name and decided it was time to fast forward to the day when it became a thing. <3