in bed. Weebly's Tech Team ftw!
I've been behind here. Horrifically so. How many times have blog entries begun with the words, 'thank you to *insert reader's name* for the heads up...'? I aim to be a fabulous resource for all Death Note related news, but real life happens so hard sometimes.
My big plan was to get up to date and stay there. I've spent much of this week working my way down my To Do List of Death Note stories, then scheduling them in, so you're not inundated with dozens all at once.
Five of them were in the scheduler - an automated posting facility - when it went down. Annoying, but I thought it was easily fixed. I could see them, even if you could not. I could go in and post them manually.
Except when I tried that, a blog post was completely lost to the cyber ether. Naturally, I was too scared to attempt a retrieval of the rest. Had it been my own code, then maybe. But I was a lazy git when I set up Matti's Death Note News. I went for a content management system. -.-
I rushed into Weebly's support section, where a lovely operative named Helen C calmed me the sweet proverbial down.
It took a while, but she and her tech team managed to salvage the four remaining Death Note blogs. Lost - apparently forever - was the one about Death Note and Nietzsche.

The Mother of the Internet will be here all week, logging in and posting those blogs Herself. I've written them all (unless she h4XX0rs them), but she'll be doing the actual publication and inserting the categories etc.
Previous to that being agreed, Orangepunch had been arranging matters so I could access this site from our trip. I'd have done it myself.
As for the Death Note Nietzsche blog, I could have rewritten it. You can see it. It's hardly long, in depth nor anything involving much brain on my part. But after that epic battle to save several days worth of work, I didn't have the heart to write another thing.
Stressed doesn't cover it with me. Sanity isn't always my thing.
I was half tempted to let it go. I was more than half tempted to see if Anon Nietzsche knew anything about Death Note. Letting Anonymous guest post in my blog seemed thoroughly fitting, while I had the EHC curating the thing!
Then I logged online this morning to find that the Nietzschean Kira post was right there, published automatically onto my Twitter timeline.
Weebly's support team never stopped looking, and they found it. Sometimes the abyss gazes and gives back.
Thank you Helen C and her people, Bubbles/BrookeStardust and Orangepunch. And if Anon Nietzsche - or any Anon - ever does want to guest blog here, the invitation is always good. Let's face it, we've ALL wondered what Anonymous would have done if they'd existed in Kira's world. We could always ask.