Death Note Touta Matsuda's blood type B is an important bit of information for readers to know. Divulging it is afforded a prominent position in Death Note 13: How to Read, alongside key data more familiar to Westerners, like date of birth, height, weight etc. But why do we need to know this? In Japan, blood type personalities are assigned as keenly as those of us in the West look to the Zodiac. There are even the equivalent to horoscopes published in the newspapers, predicting the day's events for those with certain blood groups. Whole books have been written - and certainly magazine articles have been penned by the thousands - highlighting the compatibility in love matches between those of each blood type. While it might all seem a little unfamiliar and strange in its execution to those more used to gaining our insights from the stars, knowing the blood group of manga personalities lets us know what kind of person the author had in mind, when writing their scenes. Death Note Matsuda Blood Group B Personality Type Touta Matsuda falls into that rare (for Japan) blood type personality B. He's the sort to lean towards action over introspection; rushing in where angels fear to tread. A doer; a creative force; an instigator; a leader - even if it's only leading others into danger and folly. This action man is deemed to have a strong, possibly domineering personality by those around him. He becomes very passionate about new projects or those subjects which interest him. However, he might also be labelled an irresponsible maverick, when he charges off doing things his own way. Moreover, blood type B personalities are seen as unforgiving of those people who bore them, or else hold them back with routine, workaday approaches to life and all its vagaries. They really hate doing chores. |
Personality Traits Associated with Blood Type B for Touta Matsuda in Death Note
The Convention of Blood Type B in Anime Genki Characters like Matsuda
It may be enough to know that Touta Matsuda was intended to be a genki character in the Death Note manga and anime. There is a tradition within the genre that a) there is at least one genki persona and b) that individual is categorized blood type B.
Genki is a Japanese word which simply means 'energetic' or 'enthusiastic'. These anime trope personalities are often (to the point of usually) female, hence the label 'genki girl' being quite prevalent amongst fans. We're looking at the kind of person who squees and bounces through scenes with an over-abundance of cheerfulness, enthusiasm and energy, that should tag them as blood type amphetamine and e numbers, rather than a mere B.
They run where they could walk; they wave their arms wildly around when they speak; they gabble incessantly, with a gushing regard for the subject of their speech. Their confidence is unparalleled and their determination absolute. They're often the comic relief in any given story, inserted when the narrative is in danger of becoming way too dark.
For most given points in the Death Note story, we should be looking at Misa Amane as the archetypal manga/anime genki here. But maybe Tsugumi Ohba is unconventional too. As she was assigned blood type AB instead.
Is Matsuda for you the Death Note genki personality? And if so, is that why he was given blood type B in his characterisation?