Ami and Fuka - Tokyo Girls
Screenshot (March 16th 2015)
Featured in its March 15th 2015 issue, Ami Maeshima (Sayu) and Fuka Yuduki (Misa) talked about being members of Death Note's original Japanese cast.
Both revealed that they were Death Note fans before the stage show was even a thing. Ami went to the cinema with her family to see the live action movies - and kept the flyer because it looked like a Death Note.
Fuka recalled her shock at seeing Misa Misa bound and gagged in the manga. A recollection which didn't at all help when she read 'bound to a board' in the Death Note theatrical script. At the time of the interview, she hadn't yet rehearsed that scene to see how bad it could possibly be!
As a Death Note fan, Ami admitted some trepidation at the notion of Death Note being turned into a musical, but was reassured as soon as she read the script. Sayu's actress appeared confident that we'll love it too.
The fandom has really reached out to her too. Ami was pleasantly surprised, upon the announcement that she had been cast, to discover the on-going appeal and extent of the Death Note fandom. It seems that many of us Tweeted her from all over the world, making friends, asking questions or merely wishing her well.
Beyond that, the actresses discussed what it was like being in Death Note the Musical and how their personal friendship with each other had been forged through it.
Worth a read!