US Death Note actor Nat Wolff
Photography by Nehrams2020
In addition to starring in the American live action Death Note adaptation, he will feature in two other movies that year.
Nat Wolff is playing Jim Nolan, the idealistic leader of a 900 strong workers' rights movement rising up in 1930s California, in James Franco's dramatization of John Steinbeck's 'desperately honest' novel In Dubious Battle.
Finding the 'courage never to submit or yield', Nolan took on landowners with an impassioned zeal that saw him elevated to almost Christ-like proportions among the starving Californians he inspired fight back. Like Christ, he was ultimately doomed - sacrificed to the cause of maintaining the hegemony and demonstrating their overlord's might.
Based on a true story, In Dubious Battle describes the real world struggle of striking apple and peach pickers in Tulare County.
It was called 'courageous' when Steinbeck wrote it, and subsequently highly suppressed. (Probably in case it caused the good folk of Visalia remember their history and take it upon themselves to fight injustice again. But mostly because it was perceived to 'promote' Communism.) Nevertheless - and as a definite point in his favour insofar as I'm concerned - President Barack Obama cited In Dubious Battle as his favourite Steinbeck novel.
The movie is currently in post-production, due for release sometime in 2016.
The part of Rosy is as yet uncast in this indie thriller.