So who have we got for you?
Nathaniel Overthinks Death Note
A thinker and a philosopher, Nathaniel will be leading us through some of the great theories and worldly perspectives across the range of human experience. But doing it all through the lens of Death Note characters, plot-lines and whatever else from manga, anime or live action might illuminate the angle taken.
It might be Aristotle, Descartes, Confucius or whomever, depending upon the month, but what I can guarantee is that it'll be enjoyable.
No Philosophy degree needed to read and contribute to the debate. Just a willingness to join with Nathaniel as he over thinks Death Note, all in the name of fun.
Look for his inaugural column in an hour or two from now.
Death Note Musical References with Lucas King
Yet Lucas King himself is no stranger to Death Note News. He's guest blogged before and orchestrated for himself an instant fan-base, when he composed those missing Death Note themes for Matt.
An original composer of Death Note music himself - albeit from the fandom community - Lucas King's occasional column for Death Note News promises to be insightful, expert and downright entertaining. Find it in the future and enjoy.
Death Note Tarot Tales with Tarot Mikami
There was Death staring straight back at us. Chilling in any context but one which habitually has a Shinigami prancing about in full view upon our screens.
Also utterly erroneous in its reading, according to long-time connoisseur of these cards and Death Note fan, Tarot Mikami. Loving the play on words in that pseudonym there!
'Probably monthly', her Death Note News column will explore the genre and story through the literary device of the Fool's Journey. Along the way, you'll learn how to read tarot cards, not only with reference to Death Note - though that's how we'll come to understand it - but using any deck you care to handle.
We'll also find out why Near's tarot scene was all about the imagery and nothing to do with the reading (well, who would have thought...?). Sneaky boy.
Death Note Tarot Tales with Tarot Mikami will appear anon, almost certainly within the next couple of weeks. Another fabulous new insight into our favourite manga universe.