Lua writes: The themed months are gone in the blink of an eye, and, risking repeating what was said in the previous months, wasn’t this awesome!? It feels like there isn’t enough time to touch on every subject, which isn’t unexpected when fans come together to talk about interesting stuff. One article brings up more discussions, and, before you noticed it, you got lost on meta-analysis and caught yourself re-reading/re-watching Death Note. And when you come back to the party, the party is over before someone calls the cops on you for making too much noise and playing loud music far into the night. But it’s all good; now you know where the other fans are (which means the party never ended and you can keep the conversations going until everyone is satisfied. Just…quieter? To not disturb the neighbors because we are all nice, polite people here). Anyway. |
All the Thanks are Due For Death Note News Wammy Month Contributors:
Matti, all the thanks to you for being an amazing hostess and making this site such a lovely place for Death Note fans to find. You put a lot of work into this, and, as a DN fan, I’m really happy you came up with the character of the month idea and that you’re making it happen. I’m really happy you came up with the whole Death Note News!
Not only that, thank you for writing fantastic fic focused on Watari. You do a lot and the result is amazing, thank you.
Orangepunch, thank you for the support behind the scenes. I saw maths happening and that’s awesome; it brought up more discussions, even if I can only admire maths from far far away.
Georgina Aguilar, thank you for adding beautiful fanwork to this fandom we all love and for allowing your art to be shared here.
Kinky Mattila, thank you for bringing to life a character we all appreciate in one way or another and for giving us tips so we can do it too.
CupofSquirrel, thank you for also bringing Watari out of the pages of Death Note and telling us a lot about it and encouraging more fans to cosplay.
Renchan, thank you for writing a great analysis on Watari’s blood type for us and giving us food for thought on the topic.
Everyone from the Pinterest Community for Wammy and Wammy’s House, thank you for keeping selecting and pinning stuff, grouping them in one place for all the other fans to find.
Ethereality, thank you for holding discussions with me about anything that can come up related to Death Note and that sparks the interest.
DeathNotegirl3675, for writing a great Watari fanfic to share with us.
Aerial Sky, for contributing to fandom in another awesome way and, in doing so, giving us more Watari fan-fiction to enjoy.
Tarot Mikami, for exploring the parallels of Death Note and Tarot with such depth and giving us interesting analysis to think about.
There is way more being discussed than we have time to write about in a month. That’s always a pleasant surprise.
It was fun; thank you all for making it happen. See you in the Month of Misa!!