We've been scouring the fandom to find Death Note cosplayers willing to share their expertise on assembling Kira costume. Not all of them have actually cosplayed Light, but they will have the necessary know-how to go about it, should they wish. And they are here to advise you on doing the same. Kicking us off Squad Six Cosplayers! |
You can catch up with them on Tumblr or Facebook, but first they have some questions to answering about how they would go about cosplaying Kira.
Squad Six Cosplayers on How to Cosplay Light Yagami
Is there any reason that you haven't considered cosplay for Light Yagami? The male members of Squad Six Cosplayers have not considered cosplaying Light. They have all been heard saying variations of 'Light is to simple and there are other characters that are more fun to portray'. How would you go about creating a costume for Light Yagami? Most likely we would buy a dress shirt because that's a complicated sewing process but we would defiantly make the tie from a matte silk and then make the blazer from a tan cotton and the pants from brown cotton. Thought blazers are difficult, the lapels specifically, it always feels better to make your own cosplay. What clothing and/or props do you feel are essential Light Yagami costume items? At least the pants and the iconic red tie. A main focus of cosplay is to be recognized as the character so if you are cosplaying someone like Light you need to stick with his recognizable outfit as well as a Death Note. Even though Light himself wouldn't carry his Death Note around, people see it and instantly recognize the cosplayer where as if you're in just a pair of brown pants, a white shirt, and a red tie people might think twice before approaching you. Is there more to cosplaying Kira than the outfit? (Look/behaviour etc.) Oh yes! One of the biggest peeves about Death Note cosplay in general is when you hear people say that Death Note cosplay is lazy or easy. Cosplaying Light isn't just about wearing the right clothes and having the right hair or wig, you have to have that secretive but charming attitude too! No Death Note cosplay is easy and it does take time and money to make even the simplest of items. |
What's your professional opinion about ready-made Light Yagami outfits, such as those in the Death Note News Cosplay Store? Any other pieces in there decent enough for a Kira cosplay? (Be honest!) The items in the Death Note News Cosplay Store are lovely and a wonderful option for those that do not sew. Another alternative would be going to a thrift store searching for the items. You don't have to make your costumes to cosplay, it's just our personal preferred method. If not any of the above, where would YOU source items to cosplay Light Yagami? The Death Note News Cosplay Store has a good option for a Light Yagami cosplay. You should never have to pay anything over 80 USD for a cosplay like his, not including the wig. Wig shopping can be difficult especially for men who have larger heads, so my advice on that is to be sure you know your head measurements while you're shopping online and look for cosplayer reviews if you're buying from sites like Amazon. It's okay to go cheap with wigs but it's a personal recommendation not to spend less than 10 USD on a wig online because you want a decent head of hair and the more expensive the more realistic a wig is going to look. Any last tips for anyone reading, who wishes to create their Kira cosplay from scratch? Make sure to practice blazer lapels before trying to work on the actual blazer, pay attention to pants patterns because the waistline must add up, and don't be afraid to style a wig. A little cutting and a little Got2b hairspray will go a long way to making the costume go from eh to YEAH! |
Cosplayers!Would you like to have a go at answering these questions on your own behalf? If you are a Death Note cosplayer - or indeed a cosplayer per se - and you're willing to share your tips, thoughts and advice with the fandom, then visit our cosplayer's questionnaire page to fill in the form. Thank you in advance! | Posted as part of |