You'll find it in our merchandise area, under Death Note Manga and Other Books.
What's surprised me about this whole endeavour are the number of Death Note books that I didn't know existed. Not to mention the reprints ninja-ed out by various publishers.
Did you know that Takeshi Obata had a posh tome of artwork out? It's pages include a plethora of Death Note images, which never made it into the manga nor anime. Possibly because they look like they should be hanging in a gallery somewhere.
Blanc et Noir is probably the source of all those random canon Death Note pictures that you've been seeing on-line for years, without knowing the source. Like this one - which has caused so much excitement and debate between Light and Mello fans in the past, each claiming him as their own and using it to 'prove' that their man became a shinigami:
While collecting together Death Note literature for our store, I was bemused to note that Amazon is now accepting some fan-made doujinshi. Also, it was oddly satisfying to learn that Beyond Birthday has finally made it onto a book cover, in the recent German translations of the Death Note novels.
Though confusingly that was on L: Change the World, not Another Note.
So please do go and take a look. All proceeds help towards maintaining this site. Any discoveries or items to cause comment for you?