When I'm not scouring the cyberworld's media for news about Death Note to bring to you, then I'm usually writing fan-fiction set in its universe instead.
As anyone who can read a sidebar already knows. Those who enjoy reading multi-chaptered Mello and Matt fan-fiction certainly know. There's a whole forum of people, lured in by my It Matters series, then staying coz it's chatty, sociable and fun.
A real old school community of MelloxMatt fans (or vice versa, or separated out), occasionally even mentioning them, as we put the world to rights.
You're welcome to join us. The more the merrier. Some of them have stuck around so long, that they can recall moments in my fan-fiction writing past, which I'd totally forgotten. Like the time I read chapters aloud from Annals of Fear, in a live chat filled with readers. And how I said at the time that I could download the archived recordings to my hard-drive. So what was the likelihood that I still have them somewhere? Lurking away in a folder. "Oh, I'd love to see them..." added a younger forumer, "I wasn't around for the MangaBullet days." Probably wasn' t even born. "It was already down by the time I found you. I missed out on it all." "Yeah! It would be cool to relive the old days like that." An old friend PMed me later. "When I used to be your squealing fan-girl." Trolling. "Still am." Definitely trolling. Probably. "Reckon you could find them, if you looked hard enough?" Like I ever throw anything away. |
MRSJeevas Reads Annals of Fear Chapters 17-25
(Chat from Guns & Games Members)
Might be safe for granny; might be one long, sordid expletive fest. What can I say? Chaotic Neutral, according to all who know me.
Matti's Audiobook of Annals of Fear in Context
Back in 2011, while I was just starting to pen the opening chapters of Walls Came Tumbling Down, a group of my readers gathered in Livestream to hear me read aloud part of a previous novel.
It was my contribution to a Guns and Games gala day. Lodged within a full schedule of events, encompassing over 24 hours worth of Something Nice for Mello/Matt Fans to Enjoy. The entire community was involved. Each member of that Mello and Matt fan-club - on the now defunct MangaBullet - bringing something to the table. A Mello cosplayer streamed herself recreating his burn scar, using some substance which looked awfully realistic when it had dried on. MxM artists shared tips on capturing the characteristics of the couple in pen strokes and shading. Some writers held tutorials on how to make Mello and Matt live again in prose. And I read stories. Well, one story, and only in a smattering of chapters lifted from the middle. Nevertheless, until I eventually get off my backside and fill in the blanks with recordings, it's the best you're going to get in terms of an audio version of Annals of Fear. But you never know. I get asked it often enough. Maybe one day I'll even turn up with the goods. |