'Keep Calm and Tell Me Your Real Name' is how Panini México nudged its manga reading public; the slogan encased within artwork lifted from a Shinigami's notebook and written in familiar spidery Death Note font. Though given that said readership is Spanish speaking, the legend actually read, 'Mantén la Calma y Dime Tu Nombre Verdadero'. * Posted on social media - like Twitter, alongside the hashtag #SoyPanini, on February 4th 2016 - the meme was a bit of marketing. A reminder that Panini Comics México will be reprinting volumes of Death Note manga. The Mexican Death Note Panini Editions are due for release sometime this month, though even the individual posting their Tweets wasn't sure of the exact date. Won't it be a lovely surprise when they appear on bookshelves in a Mexican manga store near you? Assuming, of course, that you live in México. Mantén la calma, amigos! (*With thanks to Lua, for the translation!) |