Gus Van Sant to Helm American Adaptation of Hit Anime Series Produced by Warner Bros. were the words emblazoned across my computer screen, courtesy of my alert feed.
I immediately high tailed it over to Cross Map, clicking the link with a type of frenzied movement usually reserved for twitch played boss fights.
I thought that writer Claire Taylor was onto something - confirmation or information relating to that hallowed Grail of current Death Note gossip, is Gus van Sant definitely doing the movie? Moreover, when? In what manner? And who's being cast?!
But apparently not.
While we were all rushing to repeat The Tracking Board's strong rumor - about Gus van Sant directing the US Death Note live action movie - back in July, Claire and Cross Map have only just noticed it's a thing.
False alarm then. *sigh* Though it was a lovely feeling to think for a moment there that we were actually moving on this.
As soon as I catch wind of anything, you'll be the first to know. (Forget about the blog, you'll probably hear my shriek from there. Wherever you are.)