Sorry for those who aren't in that particular loop, but let me bring you up to date. (And double apologies that the thumbnail is a nostalgic thing, with its offer now woefully out of date.)
Back in 2011, the denizens of MangaBullet Death Note forum Guns and Games had the opportunity to interview Drew Nelson - the voice actor who played Matt (Mail Jeevas) in the English anime dub version.
Much fun and happiness ensued, with the results published there, on April 25th 2011. Unfortunately MangaBullet is no more, though you can still see the original interview via the Wayback Machine.
I've frequently been asked if I kept a copy of the interview with Drew Nelson, and could I arrange to have it put back somewhere on line. Of course, I did, but until now I've had nowhere appropriate to place it. After all, we're talking about a gentleman's professional name here. Lodging it alongside my dodgy fan-fiction wasn't quite in the spirit of things! Hence I never approached him about it.
Now there's Matti's Death Note News, where it's all kept reasonably clean.
Yesterday, I contacted Drew Nelson to ask if that old MangaBullet interview could be reproduced here. His exact words were: 'Yes of course it's fine with me. Post away!' Consider me posting away:
Meeting Matt: G&G Interviews Drew Nelson
In other news, I rehashed the Death Note Merchandise section yesterday too. I'd be grateful if you'd check it out in terms of formatting, navigation etc and feedback anything that occurs to you. Ta!