stunning photographs from her Death Note cosplay gallery.
Fausto-the-Endless Cosplays Kira - Wing of Death
Hopefully we'll get the chance to grab her again for advice on costuming as Kira. Not to mention sharing cosplay staging tips, given those elaborate recreations of famous Death Note scenes that adorn her environment.
The God of the New World
- Fausto the Endless Kira Cosplay
Take a good, hard look at these amazing pictures from her cosplayed Death Note scenes. Captured here in handcuffs, depicting Death Note during L's bout of demonstrating dodgy detention techniques and a wanton disregard for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But how many separate cosplayers do you count?
FaustotheEndless Cosplays
Death Note - Antagonism
Death Note - The Mightiness of Kira
Cosplay by FaustotheEndless
You can read more about how they pulled off such intricately cosplayed Death Note images, in a September 2014 report on DeviantART about their photoshoot.
Otherwise, catch up with Fausto and her WTF Cosband on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Ask; or, if you speak Russian, Fausto The Endless on VK and WTF Cosband's Official Page there too. All of those locations show more Death Note cosplay pictures from the collective not shown above, in addition to those from all their other costumed endeavours.
Colour us impressed.