Shuiesha announced that Nobuaki Enoki's 'shocking court mystery' manga will feature throughout 2015, as a Weekly Shonen Jump serial, beginning with the January publication (due in December 2014).
So far, so utterly relevant within the remit of this blog. Until you notice that Takeshi Obata is the artist brought on board for the project. Shuiesha will be hoping that Death Note's own visionary will be able to reprise his magic for this title too.
Previously, Gakkyū Hōtei's artwork was drawn by its author Enoki. The story, formatted as a Smartphone app, ran as part of Jump Live.
'Gakkyū Hōtei' translates as School Investigation Court. Each of the manga's chapters will highlight another elementary school offender, as they go to trial.
It's a kind of Ace Attorney meets Grade School because... well, why not? High School students being judgmental is hardly anything new (it sets them up for adulthood, where being opinionated comes as standard, though we have to be more subtle about finger pointing and kicking people out of our gangs).
Though I'm still unsure about how legally binding these School Tribunals are, nor am I 100% on the nature of the crimes under consideration.
If it's mass murder via a supernatural note book, then Obata has this one totally in the bag. Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll cope.