This is the first of the monthly Focus on a Fan feature!
The rest of this entry is given over to, and penned by, Orangepunch!
It feels a little weird to be the first person to write one of these…
Anyways! I guess as far as I understand it, it is supposed to be a blog post of what I’ve been up to and where I am now if you want to find me, and otherwise basically treat it like I might’ve done to one of my journal entries.
So, here goes!
TL;DR- life and love ramblings, you know. Skip to the bottom if you want to know where to find me <3
This is an incredibly rough update of the past couple of years, which includes lots of firsts, some high highs and some lows, lots of fun and growth.
I have to say, the decision to come to San Francisco has absolutely got to be one of the best I made in my entire life, just because of my personal growth.
I’ve really developed my confidence, and really come into myself and my sexuality, among about a million other little changes that happened a day at a time as I got more and more comfortable with my self-liberation. Serenaded, of course, by Lady Gaga. (Who else?!)
One thing I got into after moving to SF is herbalism, and I really love it. I got started in it when I got a job at a health food store as a health and wellness educator.
Fast-forward a couple of years, and I’m actually quite knowledgeable in the area now. I really enjoy having this as a hobby, even if it is also my job. I am constantly learning more about herbal healing. So, that’s one new thing I’m up to I guess.
About a month ago I was fired from my job. It was a part of a mass culling the company went through, and next to no one who had been with the company more than a year is still there now. I was sad, but also relieved because I couldn’t stand the company I worked for anymore. I loved my manager and coworkers, and I definitely really loved my job, but the company itself had really poor values overall.
A few days after getting let go, I got violently ill. I had an awful combination of strep throat, an ear infection, the beginnings of a sinus infection, and some kind of stomach bug. The stomach bug was the more ‘violent’ part of the illness, and lasted nearly two weeks, even after the ear and throat pain had cleared up. I couldn’t eat, at all, for about ten days. Given my illness, it was actually a good thing I wasn’t actually employed at the time!
Meanwhile I was literally getting calls from company representatives whose products were carried in the store I was fired from. I had worked with and gotten to know them quite well over the past couple of years. They loved me (apparently) and if I was now looking for work, they wanted me to work for them.
It was honestly one of the strangest experiences of my life—to be called and offered a job interview, instead of the stressful process of applying for a job. It was a massive stress relief, and at the same time a huge confidence boost. I had a moment after one of them called me, and I kind oh thought ‘Wait, am I good at something?! Am I that valuable?!’ It’s made me really excited about it, all over again.
So, I basically fell right into a new (better!) job in the same field. I do the same job as before, but I also get to choose what products the store carries and whatnot, like a manager. I am incredibly happy about where I ended up because I am working in the Castro district of San Francisco now. (WOO HOO!!!!)
To be honest, as soon as I got the interview at this place, I was pretty certain it was the job I wanted based on location alone out of all the people giving me offers.
I’d wanted to be more heavily involved in the LGBT community of San Francisco, and clocking out of work and already being in the area, instead of having an hour of bussing to get there, would help that a lot. There is something incredibly amazing about working, and really being a part of SF’s LGBT community, instead of just visiting. I really, really love it.
About two weeks ago I actually got strep throat again(!!!). I have gotten strep every year but this is the first year I’ve ever had it twice! And harking back to the awfulness of my previous illness, it got really bad. I lived.
I wasn’t about to let strep stop me from attending my first Tool concert (which may or may not have something to do with how bad it got >.>). It was as awesome as I anticipated it being. I (kind of, sort of, accidentally) ended up in my first mosh pit. It was equally exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. I got punched in the face.
And then, that same week, I got not one but TWO tattoos. And one of those two was my first tattoo… :D The first was a really simple little peace sign on my back. It wasn’t meant to really be anything beyond a simple first tattoo, and associating myself with certain communities/lifestyles. The second one though, I freaking adore. It is a unicorn, on the inside of my ring finger on my right hand. It holds a lot of meaning for me. In the simplest of explanations, it is supposed to represent some sort of spirit guide for me, for life to come. |
I’ve not gotten too crazy, but I am really enjoying life right now. Leaving out a lot of stories of fun times, ups and downs, new experiences, weird experiences with new people in strange places (like finding myself hanging out on a rooftop at 5 am with complete strangers who became new friends in a night)...and so on, that’s what I’ve been up to the past few years.
In the words of my first apartment-mate here in SF—I work hard to party hard. SF has really been the sort of paradise I had really envisioned it being.
Personally, it was the first community like this that I’d ever really been a part of, and for all those reasons, I definitely will always love you guys.
Thankfully, I did keep in contact with many of the folks who I chatted regularly with on MB, but there are many more of you out there that I am missing! So if you want to connect with me, I kind of have practically all the social mediums!! (No seriously, I might have a problem…) These include:
- my twitter
- tumblr (though posts there are pretty sparse, and not terribly interesting for the last two, but whatever).
I am currently also highly amused at snapchat, and do send the dumbest things imaginable there, so feel free to add me on that and I’ll send you stupid pictures.
Sooooo, yeah! Feel free to add me on any and all of those mediums, or connect with me on Matti’s site (I am orangepunch there, too) if you want to privately message me about anything. :D
I’m excited to hear from others and catch up with some old friends<3