The voice actor behind Matt Jeevas, in the Death Note anime English dub, is back on our screens in vampiric drama The Strain. He plays Matt Sayles there.
The Strain is an old school horror take on the vampire legend. No-one sparkles here. They don't even conform to the dark sexual stereotype, once described by Stephen King as, 'I will rape you with my mouth and you shall enjoy it'.
But what did you expect, when it's Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, The Orphanage, The Devil's Backbone, Hellboy) behind the show?
The Strain's vampires are brutal, vicious, bestial beings. Their coming is treated as a contagion destined to destroy the USA, worse than, say, the Black Death suddenly arriving. The initiation emphasis is on containment, science, warring governmental and emergency departments, and autopsies. But this isn't merely ebola or AIDS erupting upon the population. This is something different, and these vampires have several centuries on everyone else when it comes to playing the game.
The first time you see Matt, in episode one, he's being asked to look after a car. Chaotic Neutral once again, that doesn't go quite as protagonist Dr Ephraim Goodweather might have hoped. The second time we spot Matt, it's obvious that he's got the girl.
If you want more, there are a few interviews with Drew Nelson about playing Matt in The Strain:
- Shockya: Exclusive: Drew Nelson Discusses Upcoming FX Show, The Strain
- Fangoria: Q&A: Drew Nelson on “THE STRAIN”
- Science Exclusive: Actor Drew Nelson Talks about The Strain
Here's wishing Drew Nelson all the luck in the world, with his role in another high profile show, from all the Death Note gang here. And thanks once again for our interview back in the day!