Taking on the role of Kira on alternate nights is Hayato Kakizawa, who appears in the second song Death Note. Here we see, and hear, some of that infamous Kira passion.
Fuza Yuzuki, as Misa Amani, kicks in for the third song Koisuru Kakugo. A good old singing and dancing romp as befits a character at the top of the JPop game. But not all is fun and lightness here, as Ryuk is boogieing down in the corner.
The fourth song sees the proverbial getting real again, as Kira (Kenji Urai) and L (Teppei Koikie) spar in Shi No Game. I feel that L loses something in an Adidas shirt.
Another solo comes in fifth, as Megumi Hamada's Rem takes centre-stage. She's singing the poignant Orokana Ai.
Segi wa Doko ni Reprise is the final tune, and a chance to view an ensemble cast performance. Looks like Kira is leading the way towards world domination.
And that's your lot! Any thoughts on whether this works as a stage show or not?