The anime was the best TV show for 2006, according to IMDb, in its Top 25 TV Shows From the Last 25 Years listing based upon all-time user ratings averages.
Death Note achieved an average rating of 9.0/10 with 88,175 viewers voting. For the record, the anime is also currently ranked at number 33 for the best overall television shows. That covers all time without being restricted by years - or what else was aired during that same year.
Here is the full run down for IMDb's best shows on TV by year:
- 2014 - True Detective
- 2013 - Rick and Morty
- 2012 - Gravity Falls
- 2011 - Game of Thrones
- 2010 - Sherlock
- 2009 - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
- 2008 - Breaking Bad
- 2007 - Flight of the Conchords
- 2006 - Death Note
- 2005 - Avatar: The Last Airbender
- 2004 - House M.D.
- 2003 - Arrested Development
- 2002 - The Wire
- 2001 - Six Feet Under
- 2000 - Coupling
- 1999 - The Sopranos
- 1998 - Cowboy Bebop
- 1997 - Oz
- 1996 - Dragon Ball
- 1995 - Father Ted
- 1994 - Friends
- 1993 - The X-Files
- 1992 - Batman: The Animated Series
- 1991 - The Adventures of TinTin
- 1990 - Twin Peaks
I'm personally thrilled to spot Father Ted on there - another big favourite show of mine - plus happy to see such a strong anime presence alongside Death Note. I also really enjoyed Coupling at the time, but I'm surprised to learn it was the biggest show of that year.
Follow more of the IMDb 25th anniversary lists, events and releases on its bespoke web pages for the same.