Looking for a gift idea for a Death Note fan? Near's jigsaw puzzle is one of the most iconic, instantly recognizable items from the anime.
With just the letter L in Old English font in the corner to break up the pure white expanse, its appearance told fans immediately that Near was a clever lad. He hardly had to think about what he was doing. He completed the puzzle in a rapid succession of quickfire clacks. Then tipped it up and began his jigsaw all over again. Buy it just as it is, if you want a Death Note present - or Near cosplay accessory - or take advantage of a neat feature to personalize your Death Note jigsaw. The L letter is a template, which can be changed for any other in the alphabet, or even a full name, word or sentence. In this way, you can customize the puzzle to match whomever will receive it. The world is your Wammy House. And talking about Wammy House geniuses, here is one for Mello too: |
Though that was never seen in the Death Note anime, nor can it be customized via a template. You'll need to click a button to go in and do that yourself. Death Note people, what do you think? Do they look authentic? And which one would you buy and/or prefer as a present? (Let's help out our homies' family and friends here, as they hunt for a lovely surprise gift for a Death Note fan! Sound advice and recommendations given freely! After all, this could be YOUR folks browsing here...) |