The first up-date being that we now have a DVD section.
All of the world's Death Note anime and live action movies have been corralled into one place. Every edition, collection, cover, package and box set within the Death Note franchise will be in there.
At least that was the plan. With the best part of two whole days occupied in reproducing pictures and hunting internationally for the links, I've still not come close to collecting them all. It'll happen. But for now, I think it's best to say that a mammoth undertaking created a great beginning, and the rest will follow in good time.
Let's break this down. We have an anime series and three live action movies. Even accounting for new voice-over dubs, employing actors to deliver dialogue translated into various languages, that shouldn't leave much scope for reproducing Death Note DVDs. Fundamentally, that's four items of content - or two box sets, one for anime and one for live action - which could be recycled around the world for each new language to be dubbed onto them.
You really would be amazed.
I've come to the conclusion that every Death Note DVD copyright holder has done nothing over the past ten years but reissue them. Constantly. Rebranding, repackaging, reformatting, adding features, chopping the content up into different slices, slapping a new cover on the front, importing versions from other countries and most of all introducing yet another version into the market.
Except India.
Apparently no moving pictures in any format has made it into India yet. Though they're certainly running rampant with the manga and novels. More versions there than you could possibly imagine. It was quite startling to move from country to country - each time staring in grim determination at another plethora of choices for your Death Note movie and anime viewing pleasure - only to arrive at the nothingness of India. Mu for Death Note anime fans.
Which did leave me pondering. I've made a note to find out why. I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Elsewhere in the world, international Death Note DVDs being made available for domestic fans continues unabated across the globe. We've obviously a great source of income with an insatiable appetite for completing collections, even if the only difference is a new pretty picture.
This fervour to feed us stuff can too easily invoke the maxim 'more haste less speed'. There's a lovely French Death Note trilogy which might tempt more US buyers, if volume one was stocked alongside two and three. I wonder if the supplier has even noticed. Probably not, as they'd have rushed to get it listed.
It's quite interesting to note what's been imported where. Not to mention bewildering and, at times, amusing. For example, Italy has a German version of an American Death Note box set. Nice and cosmopolitan there, everyone sharing and common sense prevailing. Until you notice that Germany doesn't get the German version. They're stuck with the original US one.
On the bright side, our beautiful new Death Note DVD section now reveals all such wonderful weirdness - allowing the German fandom to go shopping in Italy, and everyone else to uncover where common sense hid Death Note DVDs destined for our shelves.
Enjoy! And keep checking back, wishing me luck and watching it grow, as I hunt down every last variation to pin into the ultimate Death Note anime and movie collection. As always, I would appreciate your feedback in terms of navigability, look of the thing and anything that I messed up while adding links at 4.30 in the morning.