We saw it coming, as soon as Adam Wingard was brought on board. Now Warner Bros Death Note producer Roy Lee has confirmed it - the US Death Note live-action movie is going to be for adults. A dark tone with lots of blood being spilled.
Speaking with The Collider's Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub, at the recent DICE Summit in Last Vegas, Lee stated that Wingard was just 'waiting for us to officially green light the movie, but we have a cast in place.' Adding that Death Note is 'a movie we’re planning on making this year.' Then came the vital bit. Weintraub asked about the target audience and Lee answered, “It’s definitely for adults. It is zero chance it will be below an R-rating,” and went on to say that the tone of the film “will be one of the first manga adaptations that feels very grounded but still has fantastical elements.” |
What Roy Lee had to say merely places a smile on several Death Note News staff-members faces, coupled with a 'obviously seen Deadpool and decided to risk it then' comment or two.
Meanwhile, editor Matti has already been trying to introduce Adam Wingard to the concept of filming the second arc too: