Ghosting the Street cover, though
the eBook has yet to be done.
There is a sequel to Walls Came Tumbling Down currently being posted to my website's forum.
Chapters are appearing on a daily basis, as per usual, giving a buzzing group of readers ample time to discuss each titbit and new development. Truly great conversations are inspiring me in turn to write the final part.
Those chapters are very raw - generally without titles as yet and without any proof-reading. Around two years after the opening part was penned, things happened very fast. I went from about twenty chapters to closing in on seventy in about three weeks solid. (Then stopped dead, because of moving house.)
We haven't even got to the bit where Sareyva ensures the continuity is kept, but forum readers are getting the full preview anyway. They seem to be enjoying it.
Ghosting the Street is set nearly two years after Walls. It comes in the aftermath of a long, long battle to kick Seroxat for Matt, with recurring attempts at cold turkey having finally taken hold. Mello is downright worn out with supporting him and things are more than a little desperate.
If this sounds like the most depressive novel I've ever written then ha ha! My cunning feight worked. In truth, it's probably the most feel good story of them all. Because when you're so far down that your toes are grazing against rock bottom, there's only one way to go.
What Ghosting the Street does do is tie together many loose ends, which you might not have even guessed were flapping. I've left a lot of breadcrumbs throughout the previous ten novels, all of them leading to this.
In other news, the Wiki for my fan-fiction is back up and running again. The lovely Bubbles basically bought us a year's subscription, so all are currently rushing to update it. You not only may, in the words of Uncle Walt, 'contribute a verse' - or add your own pages/references/amendments/edits to the Wiki, but you'll be loved to the very core of your soul for doing it.
Please do feel free to come and join us on the forum. There's a lot of the old MangaBullet gang there already - if you were once part of the Guns and Games posse - in addition to newcomers to our circle.
All are welcome. All are doubly welcome if you bring cake.